Protect Your Health with Newport News’ Comprehensive Services at the Health Department


Are you feeling under the weather? Do you think you've caught something from your co-worker who sneezed on your keyboard? Well, fear not because the Newport News Health Department is here to save the day! With their top-notch medical staff and state-of-the-art facilities, you'll be feeling better in no time. But wait, there's more! Not only can they cure your common cold, but they also offer a wide range of services to keep you healthy and happy. So, let's dive into what the Newport News Health Department has to offer.

First off, let's talk about their immunization program. Don't you just love getting shots? Of course not, but it's a necessary evil to stay healthy. Luckily, the Newport News Health Department makes it easy for you with their convenient schedule of immunizations. From flu shots to HPV vaccines, they've got you covered. And if you're worried about the cost, don't be! They offer affordable prices and even accept most insurance plans.

Now, let's move on to their family planning services. Are you thinking about starting a family or maybe not starting one? Either way, the Newport News Health Department can help. They offer a variety of birth control options as well as preconception counseling for those who are trying to conceive. And if you do decide to have a baby, they provide prenatal care to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

But wait, there's still more! The Newport News Health Department also offers STD testing and treatment. Yes, we know it's not the most glamorous topic, but it's important to take care of your sexual health. They offer confidential testing for a variety of STDs and provide treatment if needed. And don't worry, they won't judge you. They're just here to help.

Another service they offer is dental care. Did you know that your oral health is connected to your overall health? It's true! That's why the Newport News Health Department provides dental services to keep your pearly whites healthy and strong. They offer cleanings, fillings, and even dentures for those in need.

But wait, there's still even more! The Newport News Health Department also provides mental health services. It's important to take care of your mental health just as much as your physical health. They offer counseling and therapy services to help you through difficult times. And if medication is needed, they have psychiatrists on staff to assist with that as well.

Let's not forget about their nutrition program. Eating a healthy diet is crucial to maintaining good health. The Newport News Health Department offers nutrition counseling to help you make healthy choices. They also provide WIC services for pregnant women and children under the age of 5.

Last but not least, the Newport News Health Department offers emergency preparedness services. In case of a natural disaster or other emergency, they have plans in place to ensure the safety of the community. They also provide information on how to prepare for emergencies and what to do in case of one.

So, there you have it. The Newport News Health Department provides a plethora of services to keep you healthy and happy. From immunizations to emergency preparedness, they've got you covered. So, next time you're feeling under the weather or just need some advice, don't hesitate to give them a call!

Welcome to the Newport News Health Department!

As the designated health department for the city of Newport News, we take our responsibility to keep our community healthy seriously. But that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun along the way. So buckle up, folks, and get ready for a humorous tour of the Newport News Health Department.

The Waiting Room: Where Time Stands Still

Ah, the waiting room. The place where time stands still and your patience is tested. But fear not, dear patients, for we have equipped our waiting room with a plethora of outdated magazines and uncomfortable chairs to keep you entertained. Just don't forget to bring a snack, because you might be here a while.

The Unfortunate Artwork

Now, we know art is subjective, but some of the pieces we have on display in our waiting room are just downright unfortunate. From the crooked paintings to the questionable sculptures, we apologize in advance for any nightmares they may cause.

The Nurses: Our Unsung Heroes

Our nurses are the backbone of our department, and we couldn't do what we do without them. They are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly to make sure our patients receive the care they need. And if you're lucky, they might even give you a sticker or a lollipop after your appointment.

The Never-Ending Phone Calls

One of the many tasks our nurses tackle on a daily basis is answering phone calls. And let me tell you, they never stop. From patients calling to schedule appointments to doctors calling for test results, our nurses are always on the phone. So if you happen to call and hear a tired sigh on the other end, just know they've been through a lot that day.

The Doctors: The Superheroes of Medicine

Our doctors are the superheroes of medicine, using their powers to diagnose and treat illnesses. And while they may not wear capes, they are still pretty darn impressive. So if you happen to see one of our doctors walking down the hall, feel free to give them a little superhero salute.

The Dreaded Needle

Now, we know nobody likes getting shots, but sometimes they're necessary. And when that time comes, our doctors are there to make it as painless as possible. So take a deep breath, close your eyes if you need to, and know that it will all be over soon.

The Lab: Where Science Happens

The lab is where the magic happens, folks. It's where our technicians use their scientific expertise to analyze samples and provide important information for diagnoses. And if you're lucky, you might even get a glimpse of some cool test tubes or microscopes.

The Mystery Smell

Now, we're not sure what's causing it, but there's definitely a mysterious smell coming from the lab. It's not quite like anything we've ever smelled before, but we're pretty sure it's not a good sign. So if you happen to catch a whiff, just try to hold your breath until you're out of the area.

The Bathroom: A Necessary Evil

We all know what the bathroom is for, so we won't go into too much detail here. But let's just say that it's a necessary evil, and we do our best to keep it clean and stocked with toilet paper. Just don't forget to wash your hands before leaving, because nobody wants to catch a case of the cooties.

The Broken Hand Dryer

Unfortunately, our hand dryer in the bathroom is currently out of order. So please bring your own towel or use some good old-fashioned elbow grease to dry your hands. And if you happen to see one of our maintenance staff, feel free to give them a friendly reminder to fix it.

The Exit: See You Later, Alligator

Well folks, that concludes our tour of the Newport News Health Department. We hope you had a few laughs and learned a little something along the way. Remember to take care of yourselves and stay healthy. And as we like to say around here, see you later, alligator!

Newport News Health Department: Where Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Are you tired of feeling like just another number at the doctor's office? Do you dread going to the clinic because you fear judgment from the staff? Look no further than the Newport News Health Department, where we pride ourselves on being the friendliest and most welcoming healthcare facility in town.

Where the Receptionist Knows Your Name (and Your Medical History)

From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll feel like family. Our receptionist isn't just a friendly face - she's a medical sleuth, too. She knows all about your previous appointments, prescriptions, and even that one time you had a rash in a questionable place. But don't worry - your secrets are safe with us.

No Diagnosis Too Weird, Too Gross, or Too Embarrassing

At the Newport News Health Department, we've seen it all. From mysterious rashes to unexplained noises coming from your nether regions, there's no ailment too strange for us to handle. And we promise not to judge - after all, we're healthcare professionals, not your mom.

Come for the Flu Shot, Stay for the Free Hand Sanitizer

We know that getting a flu shot isn't the most exciting thing in the world. But at the Newport News Health Department, we try to make it as painless as possible. And if that's not enough to entice you, we also offer free hand sanitizer in our waiting room. You're welcome.

Our Waiting Room Is a Safe Space for All Your Germs

Speaking of our waiting room, we want you to know that it's a judgment-free zone for all your germs. Whether you have a runny nose, a hacking cough, or just a case of the sniffles, we won't make you feel bad about it. In fact, we encourage you to share your germs with us - it's the best way for us to keep our immune systems in tip-top shape.

Doctors Who Won't Roll Their Eyes at Your Google Diagnosis

We get it - sometimes, you just can't resist the urge to Google your symptoms. But instead of getting eye rolls and sighs from your doctor, come to the Newport News Health Department. Our medical professionals are happy to listen to your concerns, no matter how obscure or self-diagnosed they may be.

We Take Our Hand-Washing Game Very Seriously

At the Newport News Health Department, we take hygiene very seriously. That's why we have signs everywhere reminding you to wash your hands, and why our doctors and nurses are constantly scrubbing up. We may not have the fanciest facilities, but we can promise you a germ-free experience.

Newport News Health Department: Because Googling Your Symptoms Only Gets You So Far

Let's face it - the Internet can only do so much when it comes to your health. Sure, you might be able to diagnose yourself with some rare tropical disease, but wouldn't you rather have a real doctor take a look? At the Newport News Health Department, we're here to give you the expert care you need.

Don't Be Shy - We've Seen It All before!

We know that going to the doctor can be nerve-wracking, especially if you're dealing with an awkward or embarrassing issue. But trust us - there's nothing you can tell us that we haven't heard before. We're here to help you, not judge you.

Curing Sickness and Spreading Laughter Since (insert year here)

At the Newport News Health Department, we believe that laughter is the best medicine. That's why we try to inject a little humor into everything we do - from our silly waiting room games to our doctors' terrible puns. And if we can cure your ailments along the way, even better.

So come on down to the Newport News Health Department - we promise to make your healthcare experience as pleasant and painless as possible. And who knows? You might even leave with a smile on your face.

Newport News Health Department: A Humorous Story

Once upon a time, there was a health department in Newport News. It was a place where people went to get vaccinations, receive health advice, and obtain birth and death certificates. But little did they know, it was also a place full of entertaining stories and experiences.

The Receptionist's Great Memory

As soon as you entered the building, you were greeted by the receptionist. Her name was Barbara, and she had a remarkable memory. She knew everyone's name, what their concerns were, and even their favorite color!

Hi, Mr. Smith! How's your grandson doing? Did he recover from his flu? Oh, and I remember you love blue, right?

  1. It was amazing how she could remember so many details about people.
  2. She made everyone feel welcomed and cared for.

The Vaccination Room

One of the busiest places in the health department was the vaccination room. People came from all over the city to get their shots, and the nurses in charge of administering them were always busy.

One day, a young boy came in for his flu shot. He was scared and nervous, but the nurse managed to calm him down.

Don't worry, sweetie. It will only hurt for a second. And then you'll be strong enough to fight off any virus!

  • The boy looked at her with big, teary eyes.
  • Really? I'll be like a superhero?
  • The nurse smiled and nodded.

The Birth and Death Certificates Department

Lastly, there was the birth and death certificates department. It was a quieter place compared to the rest of the building, but it had its own unique stories.

Once, a woman came in to get her grandfather's death certificate. She was devastated by his passing, but when she saw the date of his death on the certificate, she burst out laughing.

Oh my god, grandpa! You couldn't wait one more day to go? You had to die on April Fool's Day?

  1. The clerk behind the desk giggled with her.
  2. It was a bittersweet moment, but it showed that even in times of sorrow, we can find humor and joy.


The Newport News Health Department may not seem like the most exciting place, but it was full of heart and humor. From the receptionist's great memory to the vaccination room's superhero stories, and even the birth and death certificates department's unexpected laughter, it was a place where people could feel cared for and connected. So next time you visit a health department, don't forget to look for the funny moments!


  • Newport News Health Department
  • Vaccinations
  • Health advice
  • Birth certificates
  • Death certificates

Come for the Shots, Stay for the Laughs

Well, well, well, look who decided to visit the Newport News Health Department blog! I hope you aren't too disappointed that there won't be any deep, thought-provoking discussions about the latest medical breakthroughs or government policies. But hey, we're not all serious business here. Sometimes, you just need a good laugh to help you get through the day. And trust me, we've got plenty of that to offer.

First things first, let's talk about the reason why most people come to the health department in the first place: vaccinations. Yes, we know it's not the most exciting thing in the world. But hey, if it means protecting yourself and those around you from deadly diseases, it's worth a shot (pun intended). Plus, we like to make the experience as painless as possible. Our nurses are friendly and gentle, and we even offer lollipops to our younger patients. Who said healthcare couldn't be sweet?

Now, let's move on to some of the more...interesting aspects of our job. Have you ever heard of the phrase truth is stranger than fiction? Well, that definitely applies to some of the cases we've seen here at the health department. I mean, where else would you hear stories about a guy who tried to cure his cold by snorting wasabi up his nose, or a woman who thought she could cleanse her body of toxins by drinking nothing but grapefruit juice for a week? And don't even get me started on the guy who thought it was a good idea to use super glue to seal a cut on his finger. Let's just say, we've seen it all.

But it's not just the patients who provide us with entertainment. Sometimes, our coworkers can be just as amusing. Take our resident germaphobe, for example. She's so obsessed with cleanliness that she once sprayed disinfectant on a patient's arm before giving them a shot. Or our office clown, who likes to sneak up behind people and make ridiculous noises just to see their reaction. You never know what you're going to get when you come to work here.

Of course, we don't just goof around all day (well, not all day anyway). We take our jobs very seriously, and we're dedicated to helping the community in any way we can. We offer a wide range of services, from STD testing to family planning to nutrition counseling. And if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, we're always here to listen and provide support.

So, what's the takeaway from all this? Well, I guess you could say that the Newport News Health Department is more than just a place to get your shots. It's a place where you can come to feel safe, supported, and maybe even a little bit entertained. We may not have all the answers, but we do have a lot of heart. And hey, if you're lucky, you might even leave with a funny story or two to tell your friends.

Thanks for stopping by, and remember: stay healthy, stay happy, and stay weird.

People Also Ask About Newport News Health Department

What services does Newport News Health Department offer?

The Newport News Health Department offers a wide range of services, including:

  • Immunizations for children and adults
  • Sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment
  • Family planning services
  • Environmental health services
  • Health education and outreach programs

How do I make an appointment with the Newport News Health Department?

You can make an appointment with the Newport News Health Department by calling their main phone number or visiting their website. They also offer walk-in appointments for certain services.

What should I bring to my appointment at the Newport News Health Department?

You should bring a form of identification, such as a driver's license or passport, as well as your insurance card if you have one. If you are coming for a specific service, such as immunizations or family planning, you may need to bring additional documentation.

Is the Newport News Health Department staff friendly?

Yes! The staff at the Newport News Health Department are not only knowledgeable and professional, but also warm and welcoming. They understand that going to the doctor can be stressful, so they strive to make each visit as comfortable as possible.

Do I need to live in Newport News to use the health department's services?

No, you do not need to live in Newport News to use the health department's services. They serve residents of all surrounding areas as well.

Is the Newport News Health Department a good place to get vaccinated?

Absolutely! The Newport News Health Department is an excellent place to get vaccinated. They offer a wide range of vaccines for adults and children, including the flu vaccine.

Are the services at the Newport News Health Department affordable?

Yes, the services at the Newport News Health Department are very affordable. They accept most forms of insurance and offer a sliding fee scale for those who are uninsured or underinsured.

What if I have a medical emergency?

If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. The Newport News Health Department is not equipped to handle medical emergencies.